Meira Mathison

Meira Mathison

Meira Mathison

Meira Mathison has maintained a studio, Dancerwood Pottery in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada for over 35 years. For the past 30 years she has conducted workshops throughout British Columbia, Alberta, Canada, U.S.A., England and Mexico.

Meira exhibits her unique high-fire altered porcelain though art shows, Dancerwood Pottery, and galleries throughout Canada and the United States. Her work has been featured in many magazines and publications including:

  • “Clay and Glazes” – Daniel Rhodes
  • “500 Bowls”, “500 Cups”, “500 T-Pots”, “500 Pitchers” – Lark Publications
  • “Pots in the Kitchen” – Josie Walter, England
  • “Making Marks” – Robin Hopper
  • “Ceramic Spectrum” – Robin Hopper
  • “The T-Pot Book”, A & C Black – Steve Woodhead, England
  • “The Spirit of Ceramic Design” – Robert Pipenburg

Meira was the Executive Director for the Metchosin Int’l School of the Arts for over 22 years, recently stepping down to spend more time in her studio. She still coordinates the ceramic program for the school.

My pots reflect my life – ever changing, nothing is static. A life full of colour, fun and family. I grew up surrounded by flowers, animals and ocean. My thrown altered forms, thick slips, layered glazes and inlaid imprints create movement that dance throughout my pots and reflect my environment.

~ Meira